Lemon seeds, stop throwing them in the bucket: you have no idea how many benefits they hide

Almost every day, whether it’s cooking, degreasing pans or washing dishes, at least one lemon is used. Lemon seeds are usually thrown away, in fact not everyone knows that they can be used in different ways and come in handy in a thousand circumstances. 

lemon seeds

Lemon is  a citrus fruit with a thousand facets  , it can add flavour to all dishes, making them unique and irreplaceable. Even a salad can become delicious with just a splash of lemon juice.

When we squeeze lemon juice, the seeds usually fall out, but alternatively we remove them ourselves, because finding small, hard seeds  in our mouths while eating is a bit unpleasant,  although it is not for everyone.

Germinate lemon seeds in a jar.

Lemon seeds  are not as useless as you might think  , in fact they can be reused, both in the garden and at home. One of the most useful and practical methods of all is to germinate them, what you get with little effort is a beautiful plant. It is not difficult to do, just a few minutes and a little effort and that’s it.

To germinate lemon seeds,  you must first wash them under  running water to remove any remaining pulp. Obviously, you should not use boiling water, but  water at room temperature.

Then they dry them slowly, carefully, then they put them on a handkerchief and perhaps with some tweezers  they try to remove the skin that covers the seed  . Because the seed is moist, the skin remains soft, so it is a simple operation compared to what you might think. All you need to do is pull on a corner of the skin. Then the seed should be put to germinate in a yogurt pot with a moistened cotton pad inside.

After a week at the latest,  a small green stem will appear  . Only when the roots have formed can it be planted in a pot with soft, draining soil. It is kept in a warm place, the ideal temperature being between 18° and 26°C. It is important that there is plenty of light,  the sun should not shine directly on it.

The cup method

Lemon seeds can also be germinated in a cup.  All you need to do is fill a cup with soft soil  . Then we proceed to plant the seeds in a spiral shape, to prevent them from intertwining as they grow.

The soil must always be moist  , in a few days the lemon plant will sprout, which will gradually grow and fill the terrace.

How to care for a new arrival

They are certainly not children, but plants are still important and therefore need to be carefully cared for.  After obtaining a beautiful lemon plant,  it will need to be cared for for at least 5 years before it gives birth to a real lemon.

In the meantime, you will have to water it every day, sometimes several times a day, especially in summer  during periods of very high temperatures  . Then, you will have to be careful that no parasites attack the plant.

Air fresheners with lemon seeds

Those who  are not good at gardening  or who feel that they do not have much time to devote to plants can make a good perfumer with lemon seeds, as they retain their aroma for a long time due to their consistency.

To make the perfumer, rinse the lemon seeds under cold running water, then place them in  a closed cloth bag  . If you want to accentuate their aroma even more, you can pour a drop of citrus essential oil over them. Once this is done, the bag created can be placed inside drawers or cupboards.

The  lemon seed bag is able to perfume all the clothes  placed inside a very large drawer or an entire wardrobe. Alternatively, you can also hang a bag in the bathroom to eliminate bad smells, or rather to absorb them and perfume the environment making it fresh.

Finally, lemon seeds are also used to  create a thermal bag  , because according to the opinion of many, just like cherry stones, these seeds also manage to retain heat for a long time. To test them, they were placed inside a bag, which is to be heated and then used as a hand warmer on very cold winter days.

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