Toilet paper in the bathroom, always leave it like that: the reason is absurd but it saves your life
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The toilet paper roll can divide couples and cause arguments and discussions even in the most united families. The reason is one: to date, no one has understood how to place the paper in the toilet.

There are those who think that things could be fixed as they are without creating problems, and those who are convinced that if there is a system, it must always be respected.
The question everyone asks is: is the position correct with the cut facing the wall or facing the opposite side?
Who invented toilet paper and what was its traditional positioning?
The inventor of toilet paper was Seth Wheeler , who patented the paper in 1981 and then explained its function and placement in the bathroom. The drawing dates back to those years and clarifies any doubts. The correct way to place toilet paper is horizontally , with the part where the paper comes out facing forward.

So, the traditional method is precisely this one, and it is important to know it because it is still a curiosity. However, it is unlikely that anyone will change their habits. There are some bathrooms where the toilet paper is not even hung up, it is on the sink, on the windowsill, on the window, on a small table, on the bidet.
In other bathrooms it is vertical, in other bathrooms it is horizontal, vertical, in short, each one has his own method and nobody can criticize or establish whether it is right or wrong. We only know that those who come closest to the patent place the paper in a horizontal position or with the torn side facing the wall. Wheeler’s method is the simplest , it saves lives because it incorporates efficiency, logic and utility.
What is the mistake we all make when going to the bathroom?
In any case, you can place it as you prefer, it is always useful because it solves the problem of drying and cleaning yourself after doing your business. In public toilets it is much more useful . In this case, we all make the same serious mistake when trying to protect ourselves.

The position of the toilet paper is useful on the one hand because it is located close to the toilet and therefore you can easily reach it. On the other hand, however, it is a real disadvantage as it leads to poor hygiene, infections and in some cases even diseases.
Because the toilet paper in public bathrooms is very dirty.
What we all do, especially when there are children , is take the toilet paper and place it on the toilet lid so as not to sit on it or come into contact with the dirty surface because it is used by anyone.

Few people know that this way you only risk making the situation worse because toilet paper is the dirtiest thing in the bathroom. Germs and fecal bacteria get into the air and settle there. Ideally, you would avoid using it , but you can’t, especially if you don’t have tissues with you. So the least you can do is avoid using it this way.
As was done in the Middle Ages when there was a shortage of toilet paper
Today, everyone is wondering how, when, and how to use and place toilet paper. Once upon a time, for example in the Middle Ages, there was no toilet paper.

There were those who used a scraping stick and those who used hay, stones, sand, hemp, wool, corn cobs, husks, fruit peels, ferns, sponges or shells or even scrap pottery.