Here is the trick that plumbers hide from us, it solves the problem instantly

When any problem arises with drains or sanitary facilities, we usually call a specialist technician. In this article, however, we will show you how to fix it yourself, thanks to a plumber’s trick.

Plumbers Trick

We are living in a very difficult period from an economic point of view, due to the increase in prices in all sectors due to rampant inflation. Therefore, it is essential to try to reduce extraordinary expenses to the minimum necessary. However, we may encounter  occasional problems  or breakdowns in various elements present in our home.

The  bathroom  , for example, is an environment that is used a lot by all of us on a daily basis. Over time,  the drains of the toilet or other sanitary appliances can become clogged  and create very annoying blockages or jams.

In more serious cases, it will be necessary to call a specialized technician, i.e. a  plumber  . He will be able to solve the problem, but you will have to put a heavy hand on your wallet.

To avoid calling a plumber,  in some cases it will be possible to fix the problem yourself  . In this article, we will show you an amazing technique to clear blocked drains. Are you ready to learn the  trick that plumbers use  in some specific situations? Here you will find everything you need to know about it.

Solve the problem of blocked drain with this plumber trick

The  toilet  is a sanitary element used several times a day by any occupant present in the house. Out of necessity, this element can become dirty, have lime deposits and, in the worst case, become clogged. A situation – the latter – that is really very unpleasant, especially if there is only one bathroom in the house. In this article, as expected, we describe a  very particular technique to solve the problem of clogged drains  . Here are the details.

Bathroom Plumber Trick

In addition to clogged drains,  the toilet tends to get dirty  at the bottom and on the walls. The yellow stains are due to  lime build-up  , which can also cause an unpleasant smell in the whole room. There are several products to better clean the surfaces of the toilet.

If you don’t want to buy these products in the store, it is important to know that  baking soda  , even better if combined with salt, can effectively solve the problem. Simply spread it over the stains and use the brush to effectively disinfect and degrease everything.

Next, we want you to discover another incredible use of baking soda for your bathroom toilet. The  plumber’s trick will allow you to free the blockage yourself  and be able to use your bathroom better and with maximum efficiency. Here’s what you need to know to best implement this process.

The method to clear the jam.

It may seem strange, but the first thing you’ll need to get is a  regular washing machine hose  . Also, get a  plastic water bottle  and cut off the top. At this point, place the part of the bottle that usually gets water over the hose, sealing everything as well as possible. This way the ingredients – which we will now list – can easily get into the hose.

Baking soda

The tube and the plastic bottle should be placed inside the toilet, remembering to cut off the other end of the tube, i.e. the one that will be used to clear the blockage. From the cut bottle, you will then add several large spoonfuls of  baking soda  and a little  vinegar  .

This trick will help you  better remove  the clog from your toilet. After a short while, you will notice that the baking soda and vinegar will have worked completely effectively and your toilet will be perfectly usable again.

In addition, the two ingredients can also be used to  remove dirt stains from walls and the unpleasant smell  that will be produced. With the broom you will use force to ensure maximum cleaning effectiveness of the two ingredients. To eliminate all odors, you can leave baking soda and vinegar inside the toilet for several minutes before flushing.

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