Fan, how to clean the fan without disassembling it: you will make all the dust disappear

Do you want to know how to clean your fan blades quickly and easily? Here is the natural solution.


With the arrival of  warm weather,  more and more people are running to shelter to avoid suffering from the high temperatures inside their homes. Many resort to a real room cooling system with air conditioners. However, the cost of installing these tools in each room is quite high.

Especially in such a difficult economic time, making this expense will not be within everyone’s reach. To relieve the internal heat, however, there are several  more economical solutions  . One of them is undoubtedly linked to the use of one or more  fans  at home.

The fan can be placed on the ceiling or be freestanding  . In the first case it will be fixed and equipped with blades capable of moving the indoor air at various adjustable speeds. In the second case, however, the fan can be placed wherever you want and moved around the house, depending on the different specific needs.

The second type involves the absence of external blades, but rather an  internal fan  . However, regardless of the type of fan, the function of this instrument is  to move the air and  ensure  a better feeling of freshness  in a given environment. It will not be as effective as an air conditioner, as is normal, but the fan will also be able to provide relief during the hot months of the year.

However, like any object, the fan will also tend to get dirty and accumulate dust on it and all the other items. In this article we will show you  how to effectively remove dust from the fan  . Here is the natural solution that we will let you discover.

Cleaning the fan: here is the simple and effective method

Many people underestimate the  presence of dust in and around the fan  . In fact, this aspect can affect the air quality in our home. In fact, the rotation of the fan will also cause dust to circulate around the house, causing discomfort especially for those who are allergic to it.


To effectively clean your fan, a cloth with alcohol or other specific products may not be enough. In this article, in fact, we show you a   truly incredible – and completely natural –  solution to remove dirt and dust from your fan  and from the most difficult to reach spaces.

In fact, for this you will need one of the most suitable natural degreasers and disinfectants. We are referring to  lemon  and, specifically, its  zest  .

What should you do to effectively clean your fan blades with lemon zest  ? Here is the correct procedure to follow. You will solve the problem in a few simple steps,  without having to disassemble the fan  . Let’s find out everything in detail.

The use of lemon peel.

The first thing we will do is take and  cut two lemons in half  . In a bowl you will squeeze the different lemon halves until the last drop. However, you will leave the lemon juice aside and perhaps use it for something else. What you will need for cleaning, however, are only  lemon peels  .

lemon peels

Approach the dusty and greasy fan and start cleaning and  rubbing lemon peel on the fan  ,  the blades and every part of the fan  . You will notice how this element will be able to degrease every dirty part and completely eliminate the dust present even in the most difficult to reach areas.

As we have mentioned, lemon  is a very powerful natural degreaser  . Passing lemon peel through the fan  will also give the room a very nice smell  . In fact, when you have finished cleaning, you can use the instrument again with peace of mind.

In addition to being perfectly clean, the fan will also release the scent of lemon into the air.  You will solve the problem of heat and the possible presence of unpleasant odors in the house at the same time  .

In addition, you will avoid purchasing chemical degreasers on the market, you will save a lot of money and you will have an efficient result in a practical and completely natural way.

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