Forget about tailoring, if you find a hole in your pants you can fix it in 3 minutes

If you have a hole in your pants, we’ll show you how to fix it in just 3 minutes at home and without having to go to the tailor. Read on to see how.

jeans with holes

For small repairs, it is not necessary to go to the tailor’s,  especially if we are in a hurry and need that garment at any price. However, you should always have the necessary tools at home to be able to do them. Among the most common things you can certainly have are pins, needles, cotton threads of different colors, scissors, a ruler and chalk.

Without going into too much detail, but the more passionate ones who like to think about repairs themselves will surely also have self-adhesive tapes, zippers, patches, protectors and sewing machines. This is not essential as you can use a needle and thread, but it certainly makes the job faster.

Sewing Supplies

Learning how to use it is not impossible since today we find many tutorials on the web that allow us to do absolutely everything.  But today we show you the solution for a hole in your pants  . No problem because after 3 minutes you will be able to put it on and leave the house without any problem. Next, in the next paragraph, we show you how to do it.

Hole in pants: the needle and thread solution

As we said, let’s see how to repair pants with holes. Usually, this happens to jeans that tend to tear in some places. However, you won’t have to throw away the pants or even take them to the tailor because you can repair them yourself at home in 3 minutes with a needle and thread.

If it is a small hole you will only need to get a needle and thread in the color of your jeans or pants.  Then you will need a small piece of old jeans fabric to be able to apply it and cover the hole  . At this point you just need to put it inside the pants and secure it with pins.

Hole in your pants

Now you can proceed by sewing by hand with a needle and thread or by using the sewing machine. However, there is still  another method that is ideal especially for those who are not familiar with sewing  .  This is fabric glue or   hot melt adhesive  . The instructions can be found on the product labels and are very easy to use.

Once you’re done, you can wear your jeans again without any problem and no one will notice anything.  However, the case is different if the hole is very large and is in a clearly visible place  . In fact, in the latter case you should look for an alternative because you would notice the difference with another pair of jeans.

Another solution

Another possible solution, especially when the hole is too big to be patched with just a needle and thread, is to use a patch. There are several on the market with many prints for both adults and children. Ideally, the patch should also be reproduced on the right side of the jeans.

Patch on pants

By doing it this way  it will not look like a patch but rather an ornament on the jeans  . Putting it on is not difficult. You will first need to pin the patch internally and then sew around the entire circumference. And here you have  practically unique and new jeans  to show off.

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