Garlic peels: Don’t throw them away, they’re worth gold! You’d never know what you could do with them!

Garlic peels: Don’t throw them away, they’re worth gold! 3 ideas for using them

Garlic is undoubtedly one of the essential ingredients in the pantry and throwing away its residue is a real waste  .

But let’s take things in order: garlic is used by most people, especially in the kitchen, to  flavor dishes  . However, garlic can be used to  relieve acne scars  , to  maintain your garden ,  and even as  a natural repellent  .

It is clear that garlic is a fundamental ingredient for many reasons, but not everyone knows the positive effects that its  peel can also have  .

After removing it, it should never be thrown away. In fact, after reading this page, you’ll no longer make this mistake, but you’ll finally know how to use it better.

Below you can discover 3   simple but brilliant  ideas that will allow you to recycle garlic peels  .

Ready? Let’s get started right now!

Garlic peels, don't throw them away; they're worth it. AdobeStock 483211080

Garlic peels: 3 ideas for using them. Here’s how to recycle them.

If your home is full of plants and you want to care for them in the best possible way using natural products, this page is perfect for you.

Garlic peels can   help you solve some of the annoying problems that come with growing plants at home.

These ideas, which you wouldn’t even imagine, will allow you to recycle food waste and help you grow your plants in a natural, healthy, and economical way.

Here are 3 ideas you can try at home:

  • 1. How to feed the soil

If you want to provide the right natural nourishment for your soil, you must first preserve as many garlic peels as possible. Simply store them sealed in an airtight container. When you’ve saved enough, you can cut them into small pieces with your hands and then scatter the resulting mixture on the soil. You’ll see that this way, your plants will grow lush and strong.

  • 2. How to eliminate aphids and parasites from plants

To keep parasites and aphids away from your plants, simply follow these instructions. Place 4 cloves of garlic in a blender. Then add a medium onion and a chili pepper. Turn on the blender and let it run until you have a porridge-like mixture. Once ready, transfer the mixture to a spray bottle and then add 1 liter of warm water. After 2 hours, you can use the mixture on your plants and finally keep the parasites away.

  • 3. It provides benefits to the body

Garlic peels can also provide benefits to our body. In fact, they are rich in antioxidants and vitamins that can strengthen the immune system. In addition, they stimulate the metabolism and, importantly, help cleanse the body.

At this point, all that remains is to take advantage of all these notions and put them into practice at the right time.

If you love growing plants and your passion for gardening is your passion, it won’t be long before you see firsthand the benefits of garlic peels.

Don’t throw away peels anymore, recycle them: you’ll be amazed at the results and you’ll never have to use chemicals again.

Your wallet will thank you, and so will your health.

Good job.

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