I’ll tell you the secret to having giant tomatoes in just a few weeks!

I’ll tell you the secret to having giant tomatoes in just a few weeks!

The  tomato  is one of the most widely used vegetables in Italy and abroad. If you have a dedicated area for a vegetable garden, you should definitely choose to plant tomato plants, as they can be very useful in the kitchen. But how do you go about  growing  this magnificent vegetable yourself? Below are some helpful tips.

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How to grow tomatoes

First, we must start with the  type  of tomato we want to grow. The choice should also depend on the climate and culinary needs: some tomatoes are typically used for salads, while others, such as  datterini tomatoes  , are used primarily as a side dish for pasta. It’s important to know that each type of tomato has its own resistance to  weather  and disease. Some varieties are very early and produce fruit quickly, while others are later.

The first thing to do is prepare the  soil  : it must be not only very fertile, but also soft, well-drained, and endowed with the specific properties derived from organic matter. It is advisable to work the soil during the  fall or winter season  and then, in  spring  , opt for slow-release fertilizers. The soil must be exposed to sunlight for at least six hours a day. Sowing should take place from March to May, but if you want to grow in pots indoors, you can also do so in winter (from February onwards).

Always delicious tomatoes at home!

In addition to having many  nutrients  and beneficial properties, tomatoes are incredibly tasty. This is also why they’ve become the basis of many Italian and especially Mediterranean recipes. To always keep them at their best at home, we’d like to give you some other very useful tips. Keep in mind, for example, that  tomato roots  should always be planted deep in the soil: the fruit can even grow from the stem of the plant!

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Also, before planting the tomato in the ground, you’ll need  to remove the leaves from the bottom of the stem  . Then, we dig a deep hole in the soil and insert the leafless stem. We can then cover everything with more soil. At this point, we water well: after a few weeks, we’ll be able to enjoy a healthy plant with solid, strong, and especially resilient roots. Seeing is believing!

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