Stick 10 toothpicks into a banana and see what happens next – it’s unexpected

There’s a trick floating around the internet that involves using a toothpick and a banana. Let’s take a look at what it’s all about.

Bananas are among the most widely consumed fruits in the world. Always available at any time of the year, they are excellent for their nutritional content and functional for physical activity. In addition, they are also good for preparing many tasty recipes. But why is the combination of banana and banana so much talked about lately? Here is the reason, simple but truly brilliant.

Bananas and toothpicks, because that’s what we’re talking about.

Bananas  are undoubtedly the most popular fruit in the world  , appreciated for their sweet taste and their versatility in the kitchen. They are originally from the tropical regions of Asia, but today they are grown all over the world and exported, which is why  they are always present in supermarkets  .

They are fruits rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and fiber, as well as being  especially rich in potassium  , an important mineral for regulating blood pressure and for the proper functioning of the nervous and muscular system. In addition, bananas contain vitamin C, vitamin B6 and folic acid.
Bananas can be eaten both ripe and green  . The ripest ones are sweet and soft, while green bananas are firmer and less sweet, but can be used in many recipes such as stews, curries and sauces.

Properties of banana

They are often  used as a main ingredient in many desserts,  such as cakes, muffins, and pancakes. Last but not least, banana can be used to prepare drinks such as smoothies and juices, especially great in summer to regain energy. Bananas  are a great choice for a healthy snack  , as they are rich in nutrients and low in fat and calories.

To store bananas,  it is important to keep them at room temperature and out of direct sunlight  . Alternatively, it is possible to store them in the refrigerator to slow down the ripening process but in this case the skin may darken, although this does not affect their quality.

And it is  precisely in this natural oxidation process that the trend that is making headlines is based  , which involves using a toothpick and a banana.

Toothpick in banana, here’s the trick

Everyone knows how delicate bananas are.  A small bump or a light scrape on the skin is enough to make them bruised or  black  , even though they are still perfectly edible inside. And this is precisely what the toothpick technique is based on. In short, all you have to do is equip yourself with a banana with an excellent peel and a toothpick.

Toothpick in banana

Using the tip of the wooden stick,  you can carve a message or design into the peel  . Obviously, it will be almost invisible while you are doing this, but after a while the lines drawn will start to darken due to oxidation and the message or drawing will be clearly visible. It is important  not to dig too deep with the tip of the stick  to avoid ruining the banana.

So here’s  a nice way to leave someone a message  , declare exclusive ownership of a banana, or simply decorate it without affecting its quality.

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