5 times better than a fan, spread a spoonful on the curtains and it refreshes everything

To ensure that your curtains are always fresh and clean, you can rely on this simple homemade solution.

Spoon on the curtains

Living in a tastefully and elegantly furnished house   is certainly more pleasant and even guests cannot help but be impressed by the beauty of the rooms. Among the many indispensable objects to make every corner of the apartment stand out in terms of colour and luminosity  are undoubtedly the curtains  , which give that extra touch to our windows and integrate better with the rest of the room. Curtains also have many other important functions. For example, they allow us  to do what we want in our home  without running the risk of being seen by the neighbours. In addition,   they also protect from the sun’s rays  and keep the room a little cooler, especially in the summer months.

With this remedy you can clean and refresh the curtains without removing them from the windows

Curtains can be of  various types  and are chosen based on the preferences of those living in the house. Some prefer linen curtains, others prefer fabric curtains, etc.

scented curtains

Even in terms of colours, we tend to prefer something that is close to the colour of the furniture and walls, but there is no shortage of variations.

The most important thing to remember is that curtains also need  proper maintenance  . What does this mean? In order for them to last as long as possible, they need to be carefully maintained  by washing them  periodically.

In particular, it would be advisable to disinfect them during seasonal changes, in order to always have clean and fresh stores.

Kitchen curtains also need to be washed more frequently  , as odours can permeate them in this room of the house. Depending on the material of the curtain, we will begin the correct washing process (look carefully at the label, ed.). Especially delicate fabrics such as silk and linen need the  right temperature  to avoid the risk of damage.

Many people wonder how to avoid ruining curtains with constant washing. A problem that arises especially in the kitchen, since the smells of food, especially fried food, mean that the curtains in this room have to be washed much more often.

You only need water, baking soda and fabric softener: they will smell great.

Don’t worry, because with  three very common ingredients  we can solve this problem too.

clean curtains

All we need is  some water, baking soda  and  fabric softener  . Take half a tablespoon of baking soda and dissolve it in water, then add the fabric softener.

Mix the solution well and pour it into a spray bottle.  Then spray  the homemade remedy  on the  curtains in the kitchen  and also on those in other rooms to get rid of unpleasant odours.

This solution is also ideal for giving  a clean and fresh touch  to the sheets and sofas in your home. By doing so, you will not only have spread a  heady and fresh scent   throughout the apartment, but you will also have been able to wash them without removing them from the windows.

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