Put coarse salt under your mattress while you sleep, unexpected what happens next

Placing coarse salt under your mattress is the solution to one of the most common problems at home. Let’s see how to use it best.

Coarse salt under the mattress

In the modern age, where technological solutions seem to dominate every aspect of our lives, it is interesting to note how some ancient and traditional remedies still have significant value. One such remedy is the use of coarse salt under the mattress, a practice that has its roots in ancient traditions and is still appreciated today for its effectiveness in combating humidity and preventing the formation of mould, especially during the summer months. Let’s see how to best use it.

The properties of salt have been known since ancient times.

Salt has long been considered  a very valuable element in many civilizations throughout the years  . Since ancient times it has been used for various purposes, from food preservation to purification and treatment of diseases. The properties of salt were considered magical and mystical and were often associated with healing and purifying powers.

In ancient times, salt was also used to absorb moisture and prevent the formation of mold in closed environments. Ancient Egyptian civilizations, for example, used salt in their well-known mummification processes of the deceased to prevent decomposition and maintain the integrity of the bodies. This suggests that our ancestors had some awareness of the absorbent properties of salt and its positive effect on humidity.

coarse salt

Properties that are still widely exploited in various fields.   Coarse salt has an  extraordinary  and very useful capacity to absorb moisture present in the air  .

How to use coarse salt at home.

When placed in an open container, such as a saucer or bowl, in the refrigerator or pantry, salt can help absorb excess moisture and  prevent mold and odors from forming  . This is especially helpful in keeping foods that may spoil due to moisture, such as bread, cheese, or crackers, dry.

In addition to absorbing moisture,  rock salt can also help absorb unpleasant odors  . You can use salt to remove lingering odors from cutting boards or plastic utensils by rubbing them with a little salt and rinsing them afterwards.

After a rainy day or a walk on the beach, rock salt  can help dry wet shoes or clothes quickly  . Simply put some coarse salt inside your shoes or wrap it in a towel with your wet clothes. The salt will absorb the excess moisture, speeding up the drying process.

Coarse salt in the cupboards

Last but not least, if your home suffers from excess humidity,  you can place cotton bags filled with coarse salt in various strategic places around the home, such as closets, basements, or bathrooms  . The salt will absorb excess moisture in the air, helping to prevent mold and keep the environment drier.

But the best use for both summer and home environment is to place coarse salt under the mattress. Let’s find out why this trick is a truly brilliant solution.

Use coarse salt under the mattress in summer

Moving on to the more recent practice of  placing coarse salt under the mattress  , this tradition is still alive and widespread in different parts of the world, especially in those regions with a very humid climate.

During the summer months, when humidity increases, it is common for homes to be subject to  problems with moisture build-up and the subsequent formation of mould  . Mould is not only unsightly, but can also cause health problems such as allergies and breathing difficulties.

Coarse salt under the mattress

Coarse salt is known for its absorbent properties. All you need to do is place an appropriate amount of coarse salt in a cotton bag or cloth. Then, by placing the bag under the mattress,  you will be able to take advantage of its properties to absorb the humidity present in the surrounding environment or in the storage compartment under the bed  . Salt acts as a natural dehumidifier, attracting and retaining excess moisture. This way you can prevent it from accumulating on walls, floors and furniture, where it can cause damage and mold formation.

Using rock salt under your mattress is especially beneficial during the summer months, when high temperatures and atmospheric humidity can make homes particularly susceptible to moisture buildup.

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