Few people knew this trick: it makes your life 10 times easier

Do you want to discover an amazing trick that will allow you to have more comfort with a simple object? All you have to do is read our article. Here are all the details about it.

Duct tape in the microwave

Undoubtedly, increasing the comfort  when performing various tasks is something that many people dream of. In fact, many times even a simple household operation can be complicated when particular circumstances arise. Some  tricks  , however, will make things easier for you and make you waste as little time as possible.

Many times, in fact, all you need to do is to rack your brains and  think of something really useful  to improve various aspects of your life. In fact, wasting time doing some annoying actions can make you nervous. Free time is precious and, therefore, being aware of  tricks that can make your life less complicated  is really very important.

Many people therefore think that some objects can never be used again if unpleasant unforeseen events occur. In some cases, however, this is not the case. Even  an object that seems no longer usable can be useful again  .

Do you want to know all the details about a  specific trick that will certainly improve the practicality of performing various operations  ? Here you will find everything you need to know about a move that we are sure you will never expect.

Don’t you know this trick? Here is the incredible discovery.

Some objects, as we have already mentioned, can still be used in various cases. Even when everything suggests that a certain object has run its course, in some cases you can be very wrong. In fact, it can still be useful to you in performing various operations. In this article we will talk about  paper adhesive tape  . What is it for? What can you do to use it even when it seems impossible to do so? Here are  all the details  .

Paper adhesive tape

Paper adhesive tape is a very useful object with  versatile uses  . In fact, it can be used in any type of operation that you can carry out yourself. We are referring, for example, to various DIY jobs or in the case where it is necessary  to pack boxes  , cardboard or make gift packages.

This object will also serve to mark tracks or to  roll up cables  . These, however, are only some of the many uses that can be had with  paper adhesive tape  .

In this article, however, we don’t want to give information about all the possible uses of this object, but rather to outline an amazing  trick that will significantly improve your life  when you have to use paper tape. What do we mean? Here you will find everything you need to know about it.

Here are all the details

Paper tape is also commonly called  paper tape  . However, it often happens that you have to use this tape and  you never manage to find the beginning  . A real nuisance as you will have to waste a lot of time before you can find the area where you can start tearing.


In this article we will discover a trick that will allow you to remove adhesive tape quickly and easily. The  microwave oven will come in  handy. What is this appliance, present in the vast majority of kitchens, used for? Here you will find everything you need to know.

Paper tape  tends to harden over time  . In fact, if you have not used it for a long time, it will stick and it will be very difficult to use it and find the area where you can tear it off to carry out your DIY operations.

Many people are tempted to throw away the roll and go buy another one at the store. However, we will let you discover how this move can be easily avoided thanks to the use of the microwave oven.

In fact, by placing your roll of adhesive tape inside this device  for a few seconds, you will notice how its action will have made the object much less rigid. You will find the starting point more easily and you will be able to tear off the paper tape you will need.

Another trick we can give you is  to attach a paperclip or clip to the end of the tape after using it  . Next time, in fact, it will not have hardened and you will immediately have found the starting point where you can tear it off.

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