After discovering this grandmother’s secret, you will stop buying candles
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Grandma’s secret: you will stop buying candles and thanks to this trick you will be able to do without them. Why? For more details just read the following lines.

We will talk about a classic home remedy that our grandmothers used in the past, useful when there is no electricity at home. A trick that will allow you to avoid using store-bought candles and above all save money. Here is how to make this secret a reality.
Grandma’s secret: what you need to know to stop buying candles
If you have read the first lines, you will also have understood that we are going to talk about one of those tricks that our grandmothers use and that can help us manage more or less complex situations. In this case, specifically, we will refer to a situation that we could all find ourselves in, at any time of our day.
Do those moments happen frequently in your home when suddenly the power goes out? Well, if you are tired of always having to buy candles, which are also quite expensive, now you can put into practice this useful home trick .
This is a secret that grandmothers kept and put into practice, so that the candles in their homes would last much longer.

It is known that the oldest remedies are always among the most effective and useful, especially when it comes to finding useful methods to save money and at the same time be very efficient. If you are curious to know more, continue reading below.
The preparation stages of a valid trick to try.
As we mentioned earlier, we are talking about a remedy that will leave you speechless, not only because of the results you can obtain, but also because of its extreme simplicity. What can you do to implement this highly effective method?
To proceed with this preparation, you will first need an ingredient that is very easy to find, as it is found in practically every home.
We are talking about toothpaste , but in this particular case, you will only need an empty toothpaste tube that you normally use to brush your teeth. Once you have taken the empty tube, you will need to equip yourself with scissors to proceed to cut the bottom of the toothpaste case.

Once this is done, place a candle on top , to take the appropriate measurements and then be able to cut the tube the same length as the candle.
Continue the process by cutting the side of the tube the same length as the candle and opening it.
Now you’ll need a simple paper towel , which you’ll need to use to wipe the inside thoroughly, in order to effectively remove all the remaining toothpaste. At this point, wrap the candle in part of the open piece of the tube, but only up to a certain point because then you’ll need to cut off the remaining part of the wrapper.
Then close the lid made on the candle with the help of silicone . All you have to do is perform the following test.
Final effect: that’s what it is
Take the candle with the cover you made by hand, light it and place it next to another lit candle without this cover. With this test you can check with your own eyes the effectiveness of the makeup you just applied. Why?
Because you will be able to observe how the candle covered by the protection is much more durable than the simple one without protection.
In fact, the latter will melt much faster than the other.

So, with this secret you can count on a considerable economic advantage . Considering that you will no longer be forced to buy candles continuously, because they wear out very easily. Candles with the coating created by you, however, will last much longer and thanks to this secret you will no longer be able to do without it. In short, as we know, grandmothers are capable of giving us many satisfactions and the secret that we present in this article is precisely one of them.